patterns / null

Mobile App

Bottom Navigation bar holds main menu for an App in both iOS and Android. It is the top level of a hierarchy in most cases.


Drill-in is a standard pattern in both iOS and Android with slightly different visual representation. This is used to navigation within the hierarchy. The example below shows moving from All Post menu to a detailed post item.



Pull to refresh

Pull to refresh is a standard pattern in both iOS and Android. This should be applied to any page that has updatable data.

More Action

When dealing with more action, iOS and Android use different methods.


Uses Menus to reveal more actions.


Uses Action Sheets to reveal more actions.

List Swipe - Horizontal

Both iOS and Android supports multi-directional swipe.



Modals are used when requesting for confirmation, create or update existing resource, or iOS uses Alerts, Sheets, and Views for all modal experiences while Android uses different types of Dialog for all modal experiences.


Simple Dialog

Fullscreen Dialog